Všetky príspevky od Kev Rowland

Od roku 1990 do roku 2006 som vo Veľkej Británii viedol fanzin Feedback, písal som o kapelách, ktoré sa nikdy nevenovali mainstreamu, z ktorých mnohé boli v progresívnom undergrounde. Vytvoril som si úzke vzťahy najmä s mnohými britskými skupinami, vrátane písania bulletinu pre Freewill, koncertov pre Credo a písania úvodu do kompilácie OCMDII kapely Galahad. Preskúmal som doslova tisíce kaziet a CD skupín z celého sveta a mal som to šťastie, že som sa s nimi mohol rozprávať. Počas tohto obdobia som tiež prispieval do francúzskemu progzinu Acid Dragon, do známeho Rock 'n' Reel, ako aj pre webovú stránku Ghostland. V roku 2006 som sa presťahoval na Nový Zéland a vydávanie Feedback_u pozastavil. (Ten sa potom premenoval na Amplified, odkiaľ som na svoju žiadosť odišiel.) Produkoval som vyše 80 vydaní s viac ako 11 tisíc tlačenými stranami. Na Novom Zélande som prestal písať a recenzovať, ale postupne som sa vrátil na scénu a začal prispievať na mnohé stránky i do časopisov. Vložil som sa do toho s rovnakým zápalom, ako pred 20 rokmi. V roku 2014 som to však zastavil a začal pracovať na knihe, ktorá obsahuje všetky moje progresívne recenzie pre Feedback. Dokončil som ju na konci roku 2016. (Knihu The Progressive Underground Volume 1 vydali Gonzo Multimedia v roku 2018.) Píšem o rôznych hudobných štýloch, od akustiky a jazzu cez všetky typy rocku (progresívny, melodický, hard), až po najextrémnejší metal a avantgardu. Všetky moje recenzie sa objavujú v tlačenej verzii britského fanzinu Amplified (stále aktívny aj po 30 rokoch), tiež ich odosielam do týždenného elektronického časopisu Gonzo, poľského www.mlwz.pl (kde Artur uverejňuje každý deň niekoľko mojich recenzií v sekcii anglického jazyka), ďalej sú to stránky PowerofProg.com, HouseofProg.com, Progressor.net a ďalšie. Taktiež prispievam na www.Background.com, do francúzskeho progzinu Acid Dragon. Ak je skupina uvedená v príslušnom zozname, recenzia sa objaví aj na ProgArchives, všetky metalové na Metalmusicarchives a jazzové na Jazzmusicarchives. Uf! Snažím sa objaviť a propagovať „nové“ kapely, ktoré si to zaslúžia. V auguste 2019 ma oslovil zástupca stránky Rockovica.com a ja som súhlasil s publikovaním mojich článkov v slovenskom jazyku.

Unruly Child – Our Glass House (2020)

I clearly remember hearing the debut Unruly Child album nearly 30 years ago and being blown away by their style of melodic hard rock which not only was catchy with great vocals but also kept a definite edge which prevented it from disappearing in a great pile of sugar. VIAC Unruly Child – Our Glass House (2020)

Our Glass House Book Cover Our Glass House
Unruly Child
Hard Rock, AOR
Frontiers Music SRL

Nirvana – Songlife (1967-1972)

This is one of those reviews which is even more pointless than normal, as if you are a fan of Nirvana then this is an essential purchase, and if not then whatever I say will not convince you to go out and buy a 6-LP set. VIAC Nirvana – Songlife (1967-1972)

Songlife Book Cover Songlife
Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock, Folk Rock
Box Set - 6xLP

Magnum – Dance Of The Black Tattoo (2021)

It has been three years since The Valley Of Tears – The Ballads, a compilation that focused on their quiet, more otherworldly and dreamy side, and now they are back with a companion release which focuses on the harder side. VIAC Magnum – Dance Of The Black Tattoo (2021)

Dance Of The Black Tattoo Book Cover Dance Of The Black Tattoo
Hard Rock, AOR
SPV / Steamhammer

Head Machine – Orgasm (1970)

Recorded in 1969, this was originally planned to be the third album for The Gods, before being released as being by Head Machine. The Gods were an important band in the late Sixties, less for their releases but who went through their ranks. VIAC Head Machine – Orgasm (1970)

Orgasm Book Cover Orgasm
Head Machine
Hard Rock, Prog Rock
Major Minor
CD Aurora – AUCD5029 /UK, 2013/

The Flower Kings – Islands (2020)

The Flower Kings are back with their second album since their break, which saw long-time keyboard player Tomas Bodin no longer in the band. These days the line-up is Roine Stolt vocals, ukulele, guitars, additional keyboards and Hasse Fröberg (vocals, acoustic guitar), who has also been there since the beginning, bassist Jonas Reingold, who has now celebrated 20 years in the role, plus the new guys, Zach Kamins (keyboards) and Mirko DeMaio (drums). VIAC The Flower Kings – Islands (2020)

Islands Book Cover Islands
The Flower Kings
Prog Rock
Inside Out Music

David Kollar & Arve Henriksen ‎– Unexpected Isolation (2020)

The year when many of us found ourselves in unexpected isolation, and with their Prague concert cancelled in March 2020, David and Arve decided that if they could not express themselves together onstage then they would do so in the recorded medium. VIAC David Kollar & Arve Henriksen ‎– Unexpected Isolation (2020)

Unexpected Isolation Book Cover Unexpected Isolation
David Kollar & Arve Henriksen
Contemporary Jazz

David Kollar – 10 Poems For Ronroco / Crime On The Bunny (2020)

These days most people think of David Kollar as Steven Wilson’s right hand man, but I first came across him in the band Komara which he formed with drummer Pat Mastelotto and Italian trumpeter Paolo Raineri back in 2014. VIAC David Kollar – 10 Poems For Ronroco / Crime On The Bunny (2020)

10 Poems For Ronroco / Crime On The Bunny Book Cover 10 Poems For Ronroco / Crime On The Bunny
David Kollar
Jazz Rock, Noise

Blue Öyster Cult – Live At Rock Of Ages Festival 2016 (2020)

Since signing to Frontiers Music there has been a plethora of live releases from Blue Öyster Cult, and this one catches the band at the Rock of Ages Festival in Seebronn, Germany, recorded on July 30th, 2016. VIAC Blue Öyster Cult – Live At Rock Of Ages Festival 2016 (2020)

Live At Rock Of Ages Festival 2016 Book Cover Live At Rock Of Ages Festival 2016
Blue Öyster Cult
Hard Rock
Frontiers Music
11, 10

Blue Öyster Cult ‎– The Symbol Remains (2020)

I have been a fan of Blue Öyster Cult for more years than I care to think about, certainly more than 40, and the very first band shirt I ever owned was theirs. I remember proudly wearing it to my first ever metal gig, Saxon and Tygers of Pan Tang, when I was 17. VIAC Blue Öyster Cult ‎– The Symbol Remains (2020)

The Symbol Remains Book Cover The Symbol Remains
Blue Öyster Cult
Hard Rock
Frontiers Records

Madrigal ‎– Waiting… (1989)

Madrigal were originally formed in 1977 by David Cebert (keyboards) and Kevin Dodson (vocals, drums), since when they have undergone numerous personnel changes. In 1982, there was a change in direction and a change in name, as they became a covers band called UVU to earn some money. This lasted until 1985 when the band broke up, which featured the end of the writing partnership of Cebert and Dodson. VIAC Madrigal ‎– Waiting… (1989)

Waiting... Book Cover Waiting...
Prog Rock
Every Third Person Records

Krel – Ad Astra (1997)

There are arguably far too few bands trying to emulate the mighty Hawkwind, so when I saw that this CD was by a band that had completed a full tour with them as long ago as 1992, Iknew I was in for a treat. Then I read that Andy G had been inspired to set up the Dead Ernest label just to release this album and I was quite intrigued. VIAC Krel – Ad Astra (1997)

Ad Astra Book Cover Ad Astra
Space Rock
Dead Earnest